"Saruman's Ether of Creatures" is a library for Linux in which a MonsterMash's player has a empty deck and tries to win up to 5 cards of Monsters from the Saruman's deck. It works by playing a simple game of Jokenpo, also known as Rock-Paper-Scissors. After 5 rounds of it, the player must leave with the cards won in order to keep playing on MonsterMash game.
1. Access the diretory where you wish to clone the project to. For exemple: `cd ~/Documents/Projects`.
2. Clone the project with the following command on your terminal: `git clone http://[username]`.
3. Remember to replace`[username]` with your own username on Git Lab.
1. Access the main directory of the program using this command: `cd ~/ether-of-creatures`.
2. Now type `make` on the terminal and press ENTER.
3. The project has been compiled.
1. If you are still in the main directory of the program, skip to the next step. Otherwise, access it.
2. Now type `build/dynamic_ether_of_creatures` and press ENTER.
{ For Handerson:
1. Probabilidade das forças dos monstros: `saruman.cpp` (lines 29 to 43) - use of `rand()`;
2. Uso de construtores: `beast.cpp`, `fantastic.cpp`, `monster.cpp`, `winged.cpp`.
3. Uso de Alocação Dinâmica: `fileManipulation.hpp` (read from and write to files functions).
4. Uso do This: `fileManipulation.hpp` (line 22); and also on the craetures's constructors (each class: `beast.cpp`, `fantastic.cpp`, `monster.cpp`, `winged.cpp`);
5. Sobrecarga de Funções: `beast.cpp`, `fantastic.cpp`, `monster.cpp`, `winged.cpp` (the getters and setters of the monsters's classes).