"Saruman's Ether of Creatures" is a library for Linux in which a MonsterMash's player has a empty deck and tries to win up to 5 cards of Monsters from the Saruman's deck playing a simple game of Jokenpo, also known as Rock-Paper-Scissors. After 5 rounds of it, the player must leave with the cards won so they can continue playing on "MonsterMash" game.
### Configuration
### Compilation
1. Access the main dir of the program using this command: `cd ~/ether-of-creatures`
2. Now type `make` on the terminal and press ENTER
3. The project has been compiled
### Execution
1. If you still are in the main direcoty of the program, skip to the next step. Otherwise, access it.
2. Now type `bin/ether-of-creatures` and press ENTER
4. There you go! You're program is read for the battle.