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  • docker-setup
  • master default protected
  • refactoring-extruct
  • rest-authenticator
  • webservices
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Jun4329May2827232221201929Apr2723222120191817fix: balance operationrest-authentica…rest-authenticatorfeature: isolatin data basesdocker-setup re…docker-setup refactoring-extructfeature: estruturando acesso ao banco de dadosMerge branch 'rest' into 'master'mastermasterMerge branch 'rest-authenticator' into 'rest'refac: change lombok annotations and remove unused importsrefac: remove unused classesfix: balance servicefix: exception fluxintegração do cliente com o serviço de autenticaçãoMerge branch 'rest' into rest-authenticatoradiciona serviço para autenticaçãofeature: client integration with transfer servicefeature: client integration with withdrawal servicefeature: client integrationd with balance servicefix: balance urlfix: communication between client and balance servicefix: table generatefeature: client service, transfer service, deposit sericereadme: how to run the project using dockerfix: remove external attribute from network docker-compose.ymlfix: setuprefactor: modularizar webservices restadicionar dockerwebserviceswebservicesadiciona serviço balanceadiciona serviço para depósitoadiciona serviço para transferênciaaltera rota e retorno de withdrawaladiciona serviço withdrawalcria pasta RMIMerge branch 'authenticator' into 'master'adiciona readmeadd authenticatorMerge branch 'withdrawal' into 'master'Merge branch 'client-state-machine' into 'master'adiciona operação de transferênciaMerge branch 'client-state-machine' into withdrawalAjustando request responsefluxo request responseadd withdrawal operation