Or use a SQLLite database visualizer like DB Browser (to install: sudo apt install sqlitebrowser -y).
Or use a SQLLite database visualizer like DB Browser (to install: sudo apt install sqlitebrowser -y).
The last three lines of the file are composed of DNN (Data Network Name), N-SSAI SST (Network Slice Selection Assistance Information Slice/Service Type), N-SSAI SD (Network Slice Selection Assistance Information Slice/Service Type). To configure these parameters you will explore the docker-compose file (/home/dco1020/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose/docker-compose-basic-nrf.yaml), shown in figure below.
The last three lines of the file are composed of DNN (Data Network Name), N-SSAI SST (Network Slice Selection Assistance Information Slice/Service Type), N-SSAI SD (Network Slice Selection Assistance Information Slice/Service Type). To configure these parameters you will explore the configuration files for each slice, in this case here, we are going to configure the UE for the slice 1 (/home/dco1020/oai-cn5g-fed/docker-compose/conf/slicing_slice1_config.yaml), shown in figure below.