diff --git a/sd-ran/sdran-install-scripts/sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml b/sd-ran/sdran-install-scripts/sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..840f9095346378e29b814c0289b2a4b37c465e6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sd-ran/sdran-install-scripts/sdran-in-a-box-values.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# cassandra values
+  config:
+    cluster_size: 1
+    seed_size: 1
+  enabled: false
+  spgwc:
+    pfcp: true
+    multiUpfs: true
+    jsonCfgFiles:
+      subscriber_mapping.json:
+        subscriber-selection-rules:
+          - selected-user-plane-profile: "menlo"
+            keys:
+              serving-plmn:
+                mcc: 315
+                mnc: 10
+                tac: 1
+            priority: 5
+            selected-access-profile:
+              - access-all
+            selected-apn-profile: "apn-internet-menlo"
+            selected-qos-profile: "qos-profile1"
+        user-plane-profiles:
+          menlo:
+            user-plane: "upf.riab.svc.cluster.local"
+        apn-profiles:
+          apn-internet-default:
+            apn-name: "internet"
+            usage: 1
+            network: "lbo"
+            gx_enabled: true
+            dns_primary: ""
+            dns_secondary: ""
+            mtu: 1400
+          apn-internet-menlo:
+            apn-name: "internet"
+            usage: 1
+            network: "lbo"
+            gx_enabled: true
+            dns_primary: ""
+            dns_secondary: ""
+            mtu: 1400
+    ueIpPool:
+      ip: # if we use RiaB, Makefile script will override this value with the value defined in Makefile script.
+  upf:
+    enb:
+       subnet: # This is the same subnet defined in the setup, check the note at the end of the page.
+    access:
+       gateway:
+       ip:
+    core:
+       gateway:
+       ip:
+    privileged: true
+    name: "oaisim"
+    sriov:
+      enabled: false
+    hugepage:
+      enabled: false
+    cniPlugin: simpleovs
+    ipam: static
+    cfgFiles:
+      upf.json:
+        mode: af_packet
+  mme:
+    address: # Set here the IP address of the interface eno1 (default gw) in the VM where OMEC is executed
+    cfgFiles:
+      config.json:
+        mme:
+          mcc:
+            dig1: 3
+            dig2: 1
+            dig3: 5
+          mnc:
+            dig1: 0
+            dig2: 1
+            dig3: 0
+          apnlist:
+            internet: "spgwc"
+  hss:
+    bootstrap:
+      users:
+        - apn: "internet"
+          key: "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
+          opc: "69d5c2eb2e2e624750541d3bbc692ba5"
+          sqn: 96
+          imsiStart: "315010206000001"
+          msisdnStart: "1122334455"
+          count: 30
+      mmes:
+        - id: 1
+          mme_identity: mme.riab.svc.cluster.local
+          mme_realm: riab.svc.cluster.local
+          isdn: "19136246000"
+          unreachability: 1
+  oai-enb-cu:
+    networks:
+      f1:
+        interface: eno1 # if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate interface name
+        address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address
+      s1mme:
+        interface: eno1 # if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate interface name
+        address: # This is the primary IP address defined to the OAI-CU/DU machine - see `Install OAI CU/DU`
+      s1u:
+        interface: eno1
+        address: # This is the secondary IP address defined to the OAI-CU/DU machine - see `Install OAI CU/DU`
+    plmnID:
+      mcc: "315"
+      mnc: "010"
+      length: 3
+      fullName: "ONF SDRAN"
+      shortName: "SDRAN"
+  oai-enb-du:
+    enableUSRP: true
+    mode: nfapi #or local_L1 for USRP and BasicSim
+    networks:
+      f1:
+        interface: eno1 #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address
+        address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address
+      nfapi:
+        interface: eno1 #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address
+        address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address
+  oai-ue:
+    enableUSRP: true
+    networks:
+      nfapi:
+        interface: eno1 #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address
+        address: #if we use RiaB, Makefile script will automatically apply appropriate IP address
+    sim:
+      msinStart: "206000001" 
+      apiKey: "000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f"
+      opc: "69d5c2eb2e2e624750541d3bbc692ba5"
+      msisdnStart: "1122334455"
+  onos-e2t:
+    enabled: "yes"
+    networks:
+      e2:
+        address: # Set here the IP address of the interface eno1 (default gw) in the VM where RIC is executed
+        port: 36421
+# for the development, we can use the custom images
+# onos-topo:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-topo
+#     tag: latest
+# onos-config:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-config
+#     tag: latest
+  service:
+    external:
+      enabled: true
+    e2:
+     nodePort: 36421
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-e2t
+#     tag: latest
+# onos-e2sub:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-e2sub
+#     tag: latest
+# onos-cli:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-cli
+#     tag: latest
+# ran-simulator:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/ran-simulator
+#     tag: latest
+# onos-kpimon-v1:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-kpimon
+#     tag: latest
+# onos-kpimon-v2:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-kpimon
+#     tag: latest
+# onos-pci:
+#   image:
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+#     repository: onosproject/onos-pci
+#     tag: latest
+# fb-ah-xapp:
+#   image:
+#     repository: onosproject/fb-ah-xapp
+#     tag: 0.0.1
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+# fb-ah-gui:
+#   image:
+#     repository: onosproject/fb-ah-gui
+#     tag: 0.0.1
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+# ah-eson-test-server:
+#   image:
+#     repository: onosproject/ah-eson-test-server
+#     tag: 0.0.1
+#     pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+# For OMEC & OAI
+  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
+  tags:
+# For OMEC - Those images are stable image for RiaB
+# latest Aether helm chart commit ID: 3d1e936e87b4ddae784a33f036f87899e9d00b95
+#    init: docker.io/omecproject/pod-init:1.0.0
+#    depCheck: quay.io/stackanetes/kubernetes-entrypoint:v0.3.1
+    hssdb: docker.io/onosproject/riab-hssdb:v1.0.0
+    hss: docker.io/onosproject/riab-hss:v1.0.0
+    mme: docker.io/onosproject/riab-nucleus-mme:v1.0.0
+    spgwc: docker.io/onosproject/riab-spgw:v1.0.0
+    pcrf: docker.io/onosproject/riab-pcrf:v1.0.0
+    pcrfdb: docker.io/onosproject/riab-pcrfdb:v1.0.0
+    bess: docker.io/onosproject/riab-bess-upf:v1.0.0
+    pfcpiface: docker.io/onosproject/riab-pfcpiface:v1.0.0
+# For OAI
+    oaicucp: docker.io/onosproject/oai-enb-cu:v0.1.6
+    oaidu: docker.io/onosproject/oai-enb-du:v0.1.6
+    oaiue: docker.io/onosproject/oai-ue:sdran-1.1.2
+# For SD-RAN Umbrella chart:
+# ONOS-KPIMON xAPP is imported in the RiaB by default
+  onos-uenib:
+    enabled: true
+  onos-kpimon:
+    enabled: true
+  onos-pci:
+    enabled: false
+  onos-mlb:
+    enabled: false
+# Other ONOS-RIC micro-services
+#   onos-topo:
+#     enabled: true
+#   onos-e2t:
+#     enabled: true
+#   onos-e2sub:
+#     enabled: true
+#   onos-o1t:
+#     enabled: false
+#   onos-config:
+#     enabled: true
+#   onos-cli:
+#     enabled: true
+# ran-simulator chart is automatically imported when pushing ransim option
+#   ran-simulator:
+#     enabled: false
+#   onos-gui:
+#     enabled: false
+#   nem-monitoring:
+#     enabled: false
+# fb-ah-xapp, fb-ah-gui, and ah-eson-test-server are automatically imported when pushing fbc-pci option
+#   fb-ah-xapp:
+#     enabled: false
+#   fb-ah-gui:
+#     enabled: false
+#   ah-eson-test-server:
+#     enabled: false