diff --git a/openairinterface5g/openairinterface-install-scripts/README.md b/openairinterface5g/openairinterface-install-scripts/README.md
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--- a/openairinterface5g/openairinterface-install-scripts/README.md
+++ b/openairinterface5g/openairinterface-install-scripts/README.md
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-## Minimum hardware requirements for OAI CN5G and OAI gNB
-    1. Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS
-    3. CPU: 8 cores x86_64 @ 3.5 GHz
-    2. RAM: 32 GB
-## Minimum hardware requirements for OAI UE
-    1. CPU: 4 cores x86_64
-    2. RAM: 8 GB
-## 5G Core Installation
-### General Instruction
-    Important: The following steps can be executed by the file oai_5g_core_install.sh
-    In this task you will install and configure the core in its basic architecture according to the image below:
-    Step 1: Install dependencies 
-        sudo apt-get install ca-certificates 
-        sudo apt-get install curl 
-        sudo apt-get install gnupg 
-        sudo apt-get install lsb-release 
-    Step 2: Enable packet forwarding
-        sudo sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.forwarding=1
-        sudo iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
-    Step 3: Install docker and docker-compose
-        sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list*
-        sudo mkdir -p /etc/apt/keyrings 
-        curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo apt-key add -
-        sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(. /etc/os-release; echo "$UBUNTU_CODENAME") stable"
-        sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
-        sudo apt-get update
-        sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-compose-plugin
-        sudo curl -L https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.2/docker-compose-`uname -s`-`uname -m` -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
-        sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
-    Step 4: Pull the images from Docker Hub
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nrf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-smf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udr:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udm:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-ausf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/oai-spgwu-tiny:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker pull oaisoftwarealliance/trf-gen-cn5g:latest
-    Step 5: Tag Docker Images
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/trf-gen-cn5g:latest trf-gen-cn5g:latest
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-amf:v1.5.0 oai-amf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-nrf:v1.5.0 oai-nrf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-smf:v1.5.0 oai-smf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udr:v1.5.0 oai-udr:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-udm:v1.5.0 oai-udm:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-ausf:v1.5.0 oai-ausf:v1.5.0
-        sudo docker image tag oaisoftwarealliance/oai-spgwu-tiny:v1.5.0 oai-spgwu-tiny:v1.5.0
-    Step 6: Clone OpenAirInterface 5G Core repository
-        git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/cn5g/oai-cn5g-fed.git
-        cd oai-cn5g-fed
-        git checkout -f v1.5.0
-## RAN and UE installation (Split and Monolithic mode)
-### General Instruction
-    In this task you will install and configure the gNB of the OAI.
-    Step 1: Install dependencies
-        sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ettusresearch/uhd
-        sudo apt-get install libuhd-dev uhd-host -y
-        sudo apt-get install libuhd4.2.0 -y
-        sudo apt-get install libuhd4.4.0 -y
-    Step 2: Fix problem in the libuhd
-        sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libuhd4.2.0_4.2.0.1-0ubuntu1~focal1_amd64.deb
-        sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/libuhd4.4.0_4.4.0.0-0ubuntu1~focal1_amd64.deb
-    Step 3: Clone OpenAirInterface 5G RAN and UE repository
-        git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g.git
-        cd PATH_TO/openairinterface5g
-        git checkout develop
-    Step 4: Run the installation script
-        source oaienv
-        cd cmake_targets
-        sudo ./build_oai -I -w USRP -i
-        sudo ./build_oai --gNB --nrUE -w USRP
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+## Installation and deployment of 5G Core (5GC) of Open Air Interface (OAI)
+## Objectives
+- Install and configure the 5GC of OAI in a virtual machine Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
+- Deploy 5GC Core
+- Inspec 5G Core Docker containers by means of command line instructions 
+- Install and configure Portainer tool
+- Inspec 5G Core Docker containers by means of Portainer browser
+**Minimum hardware requirements for OAI UE, according to doc/NR_SA_Tutorial_COTS_UE.md · develop · oai / openairinterface5G · GitLab (eurecom.fr):**
+- Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS;
+- CPU: 4 cores x86_64;
+- 8 GB RAM.
+**Minimum hardware requirements for OAI 5GC and OAI gNB, according to doc/NR_SA_Tutorial_COTS_UE.md · develop · oai / openairinterface5G · GitLab (eurecom.fr):**
+- Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS;
+- CPU: 8 cores x86_64 3.5 GHz;
+- 32 GB RAM.
+**However, if you do not have such hardware specifications, you may use the one below for both devices (tested for us, you may face some lags, but it works):**
+- Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS;
+- CPU: 4 cores x86_64;
+- 4 GB RAM.
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